Crumb Cake/Kruemeltorte

Aus dem Dr. Oetker Backbuch

 picture of Shyam Pather

Delicious Crumbcake

At a recent Anatolia community potluck, a participant, Ute baked this delicious Crumbcake. The original recipe is in German from the Dr. Oetker Baking Book.

Everyone enjoyed this cake which is very much like Apple Pie, and there were no leftovers. Ute kindly shared the recipe with me. The original recipe is in German. So I have published the German recipe as well for all those who do know German.

For those who do not, this may be a good exercise in learning German by comparing the 2 versions. I find that I have already learned a few words just from this recipe alone.



  1. 200g butter or margarine (unsalted)
  2. 500g regular flour
  3. 200g sugar
  4. 1 packet vanilla sugar (Dr Oetker Vanillin-Zucker)
  5. 1 egg, a pinch of salt (if using salted butter, omit this salt)
  6. 1 packet baking powder (use Dr Oetker Backin)
  7. 50g dry bread crumbs (about 3 scant table spoons)


  1. 750g apples (use tart apples)
  2. 1 packet vanilla sugar (Dr Oetker Vanillin-Zucker)
  3. Sugar to taste


For the Dough

  • Preheat oven to 350°F
  • Beat butter or margarine until creamy. Add sugar, vanilla sugar and egg a little at a time.
  • Mix flour and baking powder, sift. Add ½ the flour to butter mixture, one tablespoon at a time.
  • Add the remaining flour and mix with your hands or two forks until large crumbs form (size of peas or a bit smaller)

For the Filling

  • Peel, core & slice the apples. Mix with vanilla sugar and add regular sugar to taste
  • For firm apples, cook with a small amount of water to soften. Cool completely.
  • Place half the dough into a greased Spring-form pan (26 cm, about 10 inches diameter). Press dough on bottom and up on the side of pan. Sprinkle with dry breadcrumbs
  • Layer apples into pan, leaving a half inch space around the edge. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top of apples and press dough around the edges to seal slightly.
  • Bake in 350° oven about 45 to 55 minutes until top is golden brown.



  1. 200g Butter oder Margarine
  2. 500g Weizenmehl
  3. 200g Zucker
  4. 1 Paeckchen Vanillin-Zucker
  5. 1 Ei, etwas Salz
  6. 1 Paeckchen Backpulver
  7. 50 g Semmelmehl (2 schwach gehaeufte Essloeffel)


  • 750 g Aepfel
  • 1 Paeckchen Vanillin-Zucker
  • Zucker nach Geschmack Fuer


  • Fuer den Teig das Fett schaumig ruehren und nach und nach Zucker, Vanillin-Zucker, Ei und Salz hinzugeben
  • Die Haelfte des mit Backin gemischten und gesiebten Mehls essloeffelweise unterruheren
  • Den Rest des Mehls auf den Teig schuetten und so mit den Haenden oder mit 2 Gabeln darunter arbeiten, dass eine kruemelige Masse entsteht
  • Fuer die Fuelling die Aepfel schaelen, in Scheiben schneiden, mit dem Vanillin-Zucker vermischen und mit Zucker abschmecken. (Haertere Apfelscheiben in wenig Wasser mit Vanillin-Zucker und Zucker halbgar duensten und kalt stellen.)
  • Die Haelfte des Teiges in eine gefettete Springform (Durchmesser etwas 26 cm) fuellen
  • Den Teig am Boden gut andruecken, am Rand hochdruecken und mit dem Semmelmehl bestreuen.
  • Die Aepfel so darauf geben, dass ein Rand von etwa 1 cm Teig bleibt.
  • Den Rest der Streusel ueber die Fuellung verteilen und am Rand andruecken. 45-55 Minuten bei ca. 200 Grad backen

you can find Dr Oetker vanilla sugar & baking powder at some stores (CostPlus is a good source)

If you have any questions or would like to add a recipe of your own, email me, Nirmala, at email address.
I will be happy to help in any way I can. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes and hints and tips. You can reach Nirmala via the Contact Form

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